By, Suha Rakata
A homeschooling girl living in Banda Aceh
This Ramadan, I was asked to be a cooking mentor and Science with Nasyiatul Asyiah (NA],on Saturday, 24 April 2021 at Muhammadiyah mosque, near Muhammadiyah University. I was doing Science and cooking with Camp Ceria Ramadan. There were 11 children in the camp of ceria Ramadan. Their ages were around 7 until 12 years old. For science, we made simple boat. To make this boat we needed some rubber bands, plastic rope and scissors. Here is how to make it. First cut the plastic rope about an inch and then collect up to 20 ropes measuring an inch. Then combine all the plastic ropes that have been cut. Tie it by using rubber bands on both sides of the plastic rope, then becomes a simple boat and you can try it directly into the water and see if it can float or not. Everyone was happy because the experiments completely successful. The children enjoyed the science very much.
Next we made magic marker. What all we needed, just permanent markers, water and one mirror. Step one, draw everything what you want on the mirror and try not to break the markers line, after then put the water on the mirror that you drawn just now and you would see the image. It would float. The children were very surprised for the experiment that could float. And last experiments we did rainbow in milk. We needed some fresh milk, plate, cotton buds, three food colours and dishwashing crystal meth. First, put the milk into the plate then drop it food colouring. Next apply the cotton buds to the dishwash crystal meth then put the cotton buds to the plate to the plate with the milk and see what happen the colour, will be mixed with the food colouring with a nice way.
Then we took a rest for a while with some movies. After that we continued to cook some macaroni Schoothel at the afternoon. The ingredients needed were some macaroni, corned beef, fresh milk, eggs, salt, water, cheese, butter, sausage, black pepper and chili sauce. If you wan to know how to do it, here are the steps. First step, boil the macaroni with the water until cook, then fry some sausage with the margarine. After the macaroni cook, stir and fry some fresh milk, eggs, black pepper and corned beef. Then put the macaroni and stir until evenly cooked. And last step, put the macaroni to the aluminium foil box. Steamed the macaroni for 5 minutes. Before that, put some mozzarella cheese and sauce on top of the macaroni. They will eat the macaroni soon after fasting.
The purpose of this cheerful Ramadan camp activity was to fill our spare time in this Ramadan. So that these children enjoyed and stayed happy trough the days of this holy month.
The following week at Sunday 1 MAY, I got chance again to be mentor cooking at Hubbika housein a event of Ramadan with Bunda Zamira Bibi. She is a businesswoman. She has a brand. This time we made cookies for Eid. For this chance I made three kinds of cookies with other children. There were seven children joined us to make some cookies. We made choco chip cookies, Funny cookies, Snow cookies. Actually the ingredient of this three cookies were not the same. The differences were the topping and the shape. I called it triple cookies. The ingredients were flour, eggs, butter, margarine, milk powder and sugar powder. They said their favourite cookie is a funny cookies one. When I asked why, they said it was very fun, because we could create design we wanted. Everyone was very happy, even it was taking more much time and made them got bored, because we had a little problem from the oven. But that’s okay and we could handle it. Everyone liked the cookies. This event was made because the children of Bunda Zamira Bibi was very happy when participating in the activity. So this event made for everyone and opened a cooking class. I personally was very happy and enjoyed it. I was happy following all these events and be a mentor too. I hope everyone was happy that could cook with me, see you in my next story bye!
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