By Ananda Nayla Tabrani Yunis
Grade 5 of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 5 Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Have you ever read Anak Cerdas magazine? Have you ever sent your writing or drawings to Anak Cerdas magazine? If yes, what do you think about it? If not, let me tell you what’s Anak Cerdas is. Anak Cerdas is a magazine that my Dad made for children. This magazine is for children who study at elementary schools. The magazine is interesting and good for children. Children can learn about many things from the magazine.
They can learn reading, drawing, crafting, coloring, learning English, and math. Beside children can do quizzes and they can make 3d puzzle. Not only those, but they can also do the maze. There are still other, they can learn the do’a, coloring the comic and more fun stuff. They also have numbers and about animals. My Dad says that Anak Cerdas is a creative and educative magazine.
When you see in side the magazine, there are pictures and drawings of children’s creation. There is also my picture. So, when I looked at my self, I was so shock because when I was a kid. In my photo, I was fat, but now I am thin. I said to my Dad why I was so chubby and fat. its weird, you know? I giggled and we also have some comics and some creative stuffs. You also can post your drawing to this magazine. Now, there is no more printed edition, but online. You can visit
You know? My Dad has published about 20 editions of Anak Cerdas. Now, I have a lot of Anak Cerdas magazines at home, different editions. From the first edition to 22nd. My Dad sells the magazines at bookstores, schools and at POTRET Gallery, on Jalan Prof. Ali Hasyimi, Pango Raya, Banda Aceh. I enjoy reading them. I am also happy because I can write in this magazine. As you can see, I have written and posted more than 20 articles in I am so happy. I will write again more and more, because I want to be a famous writer in the future.
So, yup. Thank you for reading my story. Please also watch my YouTube. The name is Anak Cerdas magazine and please subscribe. Do not forget to like, share and comment. The last, don’t forget to come to POTRET Gallery on jalan Prof Ali Hasyimi, Pango Raya Banda Aceh. You can buy a lot of educational toys there. Bye bye
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